Acupuncture works by inserting fine needles into specific muscle fibers and nerve pathways that may be contributing to chronic pain or dysfunction. The needle stimulates the muscle, causing it to contract and then relax, which can help release tension and improve circulation in the area. Releasing tension in the muscles and improving nerve function, reduces pain, improves range of motion, and promotes healing in the affected area.
Acupuncture is generally a painless or minimally painful procedure for most people. The insertion of thin needles into the skin is typically described as a mild sensation, such as a slight tingling, dull ache, or pressure. Some people may not feel any sensation at all during the insertion of the needles.
It is common to experience a sensation of heaviness, warmth, or tingling around the needle insertion site once the needle is in place. This is often a sign that the energy flow, or Qi, is being stimulated in that area.
Acupuncture is generally considered to be a safe and low-risk treatment when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. The use of sterile, single-use needles helps minimize the risk of infection or other complications. As a licensed acupuncturist, I have been trained to follow strict guidelines for cleanliness and safety to ensure the wellbeing of my patients.
Just ask. Dr. Julie will be happy to help you understand the best treatment for you.
For any type of musculoskeletal pain it’s best to book in 1−2 treatments per week for 3 weeks then evaluate. You can always cancel up to 24 hours in advance if you no longer require your appointment.
For your first appointment, arrive 10−15 minutes early to fill out your consultation form and get settled. Prior to your treatment, we recommend eating a light snack, avoiding caffeine, and staying hydrated. Tea and water is always available prior to commencing treatment.
It’s common to feel deeply relaxed and peaceful ─ sometimes even euphoric ─ after a session. Take your time to stay present with these sensations as they carry forward into your day or evening.
It’s important to stay well-hydrated post treatment, and while it’s okay to carry on with your daily activities or exercise routine after a session, we recommend taking it easy. You may experience a little fatigue, and in some rare cases very mild flu-like symptoms (aching, headache)─ all signs of your body’s natural healing and detoxification process.
Electrical stimulation involves applying two tiny booster cables to the needle. It sends more energy (Qi and blood) into the affected area. It activates motor points but my experience is it relieves tight muscles at a deeper level.
Each plan varies by the amount of coverage provided. Acupuncture, Facial Acupuncture and Microneedling are all covered by insurance providers under Acupuncture treatments. For example, Blue Cross may provide up to $100 per treatment, patients would then pay the difference.
It’s really important to be hydrated and have eaten a light snack before your treatment. The sessions take 60 minutes. Wear comfortable clothing. A table heater, blanket and heat lamp will be available to ensure you are kept warm.
You will definitely feel relaxed, even a little bit sleepy. This is completely natural and to be expected. Do not schedule a lot of activities, especially strenuous activities after your session. Allow your body time to adjust and stay in its very relaxed state. You may even want to go home and rest more. That’s how powerful these treatments are. You will feel very calm and grounded.
For Energy Balancing, one treatment every 10 days for 2 months is recommended.
Acupuncture resets the Vagus nerve which effectively switches a person from flight-fright-freeze back into their parasympathetic system, aka – rest and digest. This is the state we want to naturally live in – but life events, people, situations and circumstances can unconsciously trigger us.
This is an inside job – not a freezing job like Botox. It will take at least two weeks to start to see improvement and will require at least 4 treatments once a month. It is a strong treatment, and the results can last up to five years.
Five treatments spaced one month apart will yield the best results. Exact treatment plan may vary with Individual goals and concerns.
The treatment costs $260. They take 60 minutes and any herbs prescribed are included in this price. If you have acupuncture benefits a portion can be covered usually up to $100 depending on your provider.
Patients can save $100 by prepaying 4 sessions for $950.
- If you are pregnant
- Prone to cold sores – facial acupuncture of any kind can stimulate them
- Undergoing cancer – chemo or radiation treatments
- On blood thinners
- Severe keloids
- Active skin infections
- Acne – with sebaceous cysts – raised red nodules
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months
- Fine Lines & Wrinkles
- Acne scarring and large pores
- Melasma – dark spots
- Hair growth/Hair Loss
- Crow’s Feet
- Above the lips pucker lines
- Stretchmarks
- Neck and chest wrinkles and brown spots
The face will look bright red and may have some pinprick bleeding in certain areas – commonly on cheekbones and forehead. This is a good thing. We want a bright red face. It stimulates the body’s histamine reaction. Patients may even feel the need to sneeze. They may also experience heat, tingling and itchy feelings. These are all normal as the body’s healing system has kicked into high gear with fibroblasts responding to the wounds that have been created. These will turn into collagen and the redness will fade after about 6−8 hours. Facial skin may also peel ─ applying a gentle washcloth will slough off dead skin.
- Keep your face protected from the sun ─ avoid any direct exposure for up to 7 days then wear 60 SPF block
- Stay hydrated apply hyaluronic acid frequently and drink lots of water
- Best to avoid alcohol right before and after your treatment as it is dehydrating and causes heat and redness to the skin.
- Avoid any retinols or abrasive masks ─ anything that will irritate the skin for at least 7 days post needling
- Do no exercise immediately following your treatment ─ wait at least 1−2 days as sweat will irritate the skin. It’s important to keep it clean and free of any bacteria
If you are doing Botox and want to target the same areas with microneedling it’s best to wait 4 weeks after your last Botox session.
Facial Acupuncture
- If you are pregnant
- Prone to cold sores – facial acupuncture of any kind can stimulate them
- Undergoing cancer treatments – chemo or radiation
- On blood thinners
- Severe keloids
- Active skin infections
- Acne – with sebaceous cysts – raised red nodules
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months
Women who are on the first day of their period may find the treatment more painful or sensitive.
Targeting fine lines and wrinkles requires one treatment a week for six weeks followed up by maintenance of about once every 6⎻8 weeks.
Each session is $175 and lasts 60 minutes. Patients can save $100 by purchasing 6 sessions for $950.
Yes, facial acupuncture is covered by the same amount as your regular acupuncture treatments.
Women who are on the first day of their period may find the treatment more painful or sensitive.
Facial acupuncture is not recommended for pregnant women or those undergoing cancer treatment.
Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the jaw to release the masseter muscle and the surrounding muscles leading from the jaw into the scalp.
Facial cupping is then applied to further release the tension and tightness of the masseter muscle. Patients who clench or grind their teeth will often report pain, tenderness or headaches that radiate to the temporal region of their face. Cupping and needling this area will relieve their headaches, pain and jaw tension.
The jaw will be a bit tender post-treatment but patients should feel immediate pain relief and greater mobility in their jaw.
I also recommend consulting a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ issues to make sure structurally their neck and jaw are aligned.
It’s recommended to come once a week for six weeks.
- If you are pregnant
- Prone to cold sores – facial acupuncture of any kind can stimulate them
- Undergoing cancer treatments – chemo or radiation
- On blood thinners
- Severe keloids
- Active skin infections
- Acne – with sebaceous cysts – raised red nodules
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months
Women who are on the first day of their period may find the treatment more painful or sensitive.
Specials and Packages
Book a Facial and get a free Dermaroller
When you feel good, you want to share it. Refer a friend and you both get $25 off your next treatment.
Get Ready for Spring
It’s time to rejuvenate your face! Pay only $235 per treatment (regular price $260) when you book 4 microneedling sessions. That’s a savings of $110.
Put Your Best Face Forward
Purchase six sessions of Facial Acupuncture and save $100. Regular price per 60 minute session is $175.
Share the Love
When you feel good, you want to share it. Refer a friend and you both get $25 off your next treatment.