Free Dermaroller with Facial Acupuncture

Do Full Moons Make Anxiety Worse?

Did you know that your energy is at its peak during a full moon and at its lowest during a new moon? If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping the night before a full moon you’re not alone. People don’t realize their body’s energy is at its highest during a full moon.  This rise in energy […]

Why Dermarolling is so Great for Your Skin

Why We LOVE Dermarolling and What It Actually Does Ok – what is dermarolling? It essentially causes micro tears to the epidermis layer of the skin. In short, you are running 540 tiny needles across your face causing all kinds of trauma to the skin. Why is this a good thing?   Because your skin […]

Acupuncture for Broken Hearts

Emotional shocks and the ensuing sadness from the break-up of a relationship are common causes of Heart-Yin deficiency. This condition is made even worse if one is older, or if the relationship has been going on for a long time and and has worn a person down. Some of the physical manifestations are: mental restlessness, […]

The Most Yin Fall Winter & Spring EVER!!!!

What happens when you take the rainiest fall on record, combine it with record snowfall and add a very rainy spring?  You have too much yin and not enough yang.  How do you know?  If you’re experiencing the following: Tired Depressed, feeling dark and negative Foggy Mind Prefer to stay indoors Quiet Cold body, limbs […]

Let’s Talk Insomnia

Nothing feels better than waking up rested – NOTHING. Conversely, nothing is harder than getting out of bed after a bad night’s sleep.   Whether you’re lying there trying to will yourself to sleep or stumbling around the bathroom at 4 a.m. thinking, ‘Oh God, please help me get back to sleep,’ know that you’re not […]


Many things can bring on depression. Because acupuncture is a natural form of healing that works with your own energy, it can be used concurrently with medications you’re currently taking.


Grief and sadness literally dissolve energy, leaving you tired and unable to cope. While sadness—like other emotions—must be felt and processed, a nurturing healing session can help restore some of your lost energy. It is not uncommon to have patients burst into tears during our healing sessions—often people are unaware they are holding onto emotional […]

Pain Relief

Pain has many faces. From sudden injury, to chronic pain, to emotional pain. When energy is blocked it causes pain.